Saturday, December 17, 2011

New Update, uh, Dates!

Okay, so I totally forgot to put up a new entry on Thursday. I blame that on snowboarding.

Anyway, I've decided that I'm going to shoot for twice a week with new entries. Nowadays you can expect something to go up on Wednesdays and Saturdays, unless I forget in which case it might be a day or two late. This counts for today's entry unless I manage to think of something else to write about so yeah.

So, let's talk about life for a while, shall we? One of these days you can expect to hear about my adventures with a 5,000 piece puzzle that's taken over the dining room table (Juno did work on it some, but she claimed it wasn't "engaging" enough for her so she quit. Lazy dog...) and also about how I'm organizing my room with the help of giant plastic tubs, and maybe some other stuff about family and friends and Juno (there will always be something about Juno) so look forward to that. All three of my siblings will be home for Christmas so there are bound to be some hilarious hijinks afoot. My parents just left for Denver today to pick up my oldest sister and brother, so Juno and I are alone in the gallery until tomorrow sometime.

Uh, yeah, I think that's it. Sorry for the delay, but this ought to make up for it:

You're welcome.

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